Dr. Mathias Wiegert, Archäologe und Inhaber/Geschäftsführer Arcontor Projekt GmbH



since 2003

Arcontor Projekt GmbH

Founded in 2003 with only a handful of team members, Arcontor Projekt GmbH is now based in Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany, and has grown to over 40 employees, from newcomers to experienced archaeologists. Together, the team completes approximately 60 archaeological excavations per year. 

While our primary focus remains on practical archaeology and securing the archaeological record, we also offer consultancy services for heritage impact assessments, analyses and reports for the cultural heritage conservation sector nationwide since 2005. 

Arcontor is a family-owned, local business, managed by founder and sole proprietor Dr. Mathias Wiegert alongside Melanie Wiegert-Richter.

Delivering history in Lower Saxony, Germany.

Our History in Pictures

Ausgrabung Heidenwall in Oldenburg Arcontor

 Excavating the "Heidenwall" circular rampart in Oldenburg | In cooperation with Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege 

Schloss Wendhausen Arcontor

Schloss Wendhausen | An auspicious start for the founders 

Archäologie Arcontor Niedersachsen

Schloss Wendhausen | Entrance to our archaeological world

Wolfenbüttel Arcontor Niedersachsen

Wolfenbüttel | Administration hub in the city at Rosenwall 3A

Archäologie Arcontor Ausstellung

Exhibiting our excavation| At local car dealership Autohaus Hermann in Göttingen Grone (2005)

Cuxhaven| Franzenburg | Professional exchange about the fortifications with the city archaeologist (2013)

Destedt 2015-2023 | Part of our fleet in the castle's inner bailey 

“A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.”

Robert K. Merton

Professional Memberships

BG Bau Logo
BFK Logo
Die Familienunternehmen Logo
Logo Deutsche Gesellschaft für Archäologie
Logo Deutsche Burgenvereinigung
DGF Logo
Landesverein für Urgeschichte Niedersachsen
Deutscher Museums Bund Logo
ARKUM - Arbeitskreis für historische Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Mitteleuropa e.V.
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (DGGL) Logo
A N I S A  Verein für alpine Forschung rock art and settlement in the Alps - Austria
Aktionsgemeinschaft Altstadt Wolfenbüttel e. V. Logo